Operating on the principle of not-for-profit, VNIX is considered as one of the key infrastructures of Vietnam's Internet network, making an important contribution to ensuring Internet safety in Vietnam, connecting Internet service providers, and promoting the development of Vietnam's Internet. Currently, VNIX is also a digital infrastructure connecting digital platforms, and a solution to promote national digital transformation, which was defined in Decision 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 by The Prime Minister approving the "National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with orientation to 2030".


VNIX was established with the initial goal of being a management and regulatory tool of the government, creating a neutral environment to support Internet businesses to connect with each other and develop the Internet in Vietnam. After 18 years of development, facing today’s international development trends during which digital transformation is inevitable, VNIX needs to transform to take on a good role in the new era.

Strengthening VNIX connectivity with a neutral role is an important strategy in Vietnam's digital transformation. This is an opportunity for Vietnam to take advantage and catch up with the trend; using digital resources as a new driving force to create momentum for development and competitive advantage in the international arena. To accomplish this, VNIX focuses on the following objectives:

- Ensuring Internet safety in Vietnam.

- Promote domestic content development.

- Promoting the transformation of Vietnam's Internet to the new generation IPv6.

- Connecting to the network of government agencies, the e-Government network system brings the best service to the people.

- Turning Vietnam gradually into a regional connectivity hub.


VNIX was built right from the early stages of Internet development in Vietnam. The initial connection audience is limited to ISPs with infrastructure licenses. In 2019, VNIX expanded its scope of operations, allowing all networks of agencies, organizations and businesses (ISP, ICP, IDC, Cloud, government networks, state agencies, ...) who had a number of Independent network signal (ASN) and IP distributed by VNNIC to connect to VNIX. The types of connection were also expanded, including multilateral connection and bilateral connection right at VNIX.

Starting from the first two members, VNPT and Viettel, up to now, VNIX has had more than 30 networks of agencies, organizations and businesses participating in the connection and nearly 50 connection points with a total connection capacity of nearly 50 million. 400 Gbps.